
Non-profit theaters survive and flourish with the support of people like you who want to help. We are always looking for people  want to give back to the theater. We have opportunities to volunteer in program advertising sales, advertising distribution, audition coordination support, backstage support, box office help, concession booth, grant writing, potluck set up and clean up, safety, and ushering.
Please email us at volunteer@woodminster.com if you have interest in volunteering in any of the services listed to the right. If you would like to volunteer your time in a way that is not listed, please send us an email with some basic information like name, contact info, what you're interested in, and what dates you are available.
Photos on this page by Kathy Kahn.

Photos on this page by Kathy Kahn.

Show Night Support

Looking to help us take tickets, fundraise, sell merchandise, check accessibility devices, or control social distancing protocols? To volunteer, please contact volunteer@woodminster.com.

Fix it Committee

We like to keep the amphitheater in top shape for our audiences and performers, and are looking for those who want to help us maintain the grounds. The responsibilities are: keep the planter boxes around the picnic area weeded, watered and groomed, number the picnic tables and repair them when needed, repaint the white line on the edge of each step in the seating area, and build a new merchandise booth. To volunteer, please contact volunteer@woodminster.com.

Board Service

Woodminster Summer Musicals has impacted so many lives, and is proudly produced with the support of a dedicated Board of Directors, long-time East Bay residents, and community arts boosters. Over the years, Producers Associates' has helped keep the amphitheater and surrounding area maintained and made a number of substantial improvements to the performance facility. Please contact Harriet Schlader to learn more and consider board involvement.

Volunteer Form

Please inform us of your areas of interest in volunteering with us. If any of the following opportunities pique your interest or if you possess additional skills, kindly indicate them: Ushering, Ticket Taking, Selling Drawing Tickets, Backstage Crew, Marketing, Grant Writing, Advisory Board participation, Set Construction, or any other relevant skills you may have.